
Finished Toque!

Okay, before it gets sent to Canada to live out its days, voici le toque!

The pattern is Girlfromauntie's cabled hat pattern. I can't recommend her patterns enough - 3 dollars gets you not only the pattern, but loads of instructions on customizing, and different charts for different gauges.

This particular toque was made with Noro Transitions, on size 7 needles, and only took two days. Boy, do I love quick knitting projects. I bought two skeins just in case, and it looks like I'll have enough to make myself one as well.

Incidentally, for any Canadians who might be reading this post... how does one take the word toque, which my years of French classes insist should be pronounced "toke" and end up with... tooque? I am much confused.

Will post pictures of booties soon, I swear. No, really.


Blogger Chelle said...

Hey I'm a Canuck!

Good point. The pronunciation makes more sense when the word is spelled the way I have seen it spelled in Quebec, la tuque.

11:04 AM  
Blogger Chelle said...

Oh, very lovely tuque BTW!

11:05 AM  

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