
More of the Spinning Wheel (by special request)

Never let it be said that I don't try to please my readers. ;) By request, here are some more detailed photos of the spinning wheel.

The wheel is a Clemes and Clemes, and the owner tells me it's about 20 years old. I don't know if I've got it strung right, but since I have NO IDEA how to spin yet, I suppose it's not an issue. Note how Eris has insinuated herself into the photo:

Further proving that I can do nothing without a cat in this household, here is Eris investigating some of the goodies that came with the wheel:

For those of you who prefer their pictures detailed and without Cat, here's a better photo of the goodies I got. I have 3 extra bobbins, and a bigger... yarn-spinny thingie. That is, of course, the technical term. I also got two carders, not pictured.

And lastly, because I never want it to be said that I didn't go all the way for my readers... A side view. I don't know if anyone cares, but just in case. ;)

No real knitting progress was made yesterday, as I was busy killing myself on a five mile hike with the other two Hussies.

Tomorrow, probably: More Icarus (it never ENDS, I tell you)


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