Yarn Pr0n and Even! More! Miscellany!
Like many of us knitters, LNV have what some might call a slightly unhealthy obsession with sock yarn (we sock knitters know it's just a very strong love, that's all. What do you mean you've seen us casing the LYS for new sock yarn? We were just in the neighbourhood. I wasn't salivating over your Socks that Rock, I just... had allergies, yeah, that's it). They've even started dyeing and spinning their yarn to sell on etsy (and NO I AM NOT SHARING THE LINK! MINE MINE MINE! *ahem*). The last update... well... as Violet said on the podcast "Sharks? Meet Chum."
I managed to snag three skeins before everything was gone (a time period of about 13 minutes from update):
Ooooh, pretty pretty pretty.
Here's the skeins in slightly different light:
The colours came out very true in these pictures, so hooray. They're all named after sideshow characters, which I just love! I was tempted to buy from the later update of spinning batts named after movies, but I still can't spin... so no Last Unicorn batt for me. The skeins arrived SUPER quickly, which helped to make up for Socks that Rock shipping my sock kit to my boyfriend instead of me. I love the way they package their yarn - it comes in tissue with a sticker that says "Wool Porn" on it. :)
Speaking of Socks that Rock, I am trying SO hard not to be spoiled on this month's colour. Is it just me? Does everyone else run to peek at blogs right away? I guess I just crave surprise. I think Blue Moon must be getting a lot of spoiler complaints, because there's a rather testy message on the official blog saying that they can't prevent them. What kind of peeved me was the suggestion that if you don't want to be spoiled, don't come to the club blog at all. I mean, I joined for the community as well as the yarn, and that seemed a little excessively cranky to me. But, the yarn is fab, and I've no complaint on the kits!
In the miscellany file:
What do you do when faced with a sweater like Morrigan? If you're like me, you have a minor breakdown and start working on something that's 100% garter stitch:
Yes, that's the ever-growing Log Cabin blanket. At some point, I hope to have it Afghan sized. Turns out, this is an excellent project for Homespun - it looks great on size 6 needles, and doesn't stretch so much.
Also, some of you crazy folk like to see modelled pictures:
That's my Monsoon sock of heel-tightness. I made the leg a wee bit shorter than called for, because a) I like my sock legs short and b) I couldn't bear to do that cable any more. Good reasons, yes?
Coming soon: Spoiler pictures of Socks that Rock (my boyfriend is coming this weekend and bringing the yarn!) and possibly more log cabin-ing.